Savanna Blog


Serengeti Grazing Lessons Part II

Modern problems are the result of complex ideas. The solutions to modern problems will come largely from simple ideas. I was in middle school when I came across the simple idea, forwarded mostly by Allan Savory, that we can solve several problems at once by mimicking the way native grazing animals impact the landscape. I’m […]

Serengeti Grazing Lessons Part I

You only know that you are on the path to truth, god, reality, or whatever you want to call it, when your ideas are challenged. In this age of political polarization, whether left or right, there are a hundred people trying to tell the world how it should be for every one that is trying […]

The Real Thing Limiting the Spread of Low Stress Livestock Handling (or How I Stopped Caring if the Cattle were Stressed)

As time goes on, I find myself caring less and less about the stress of my livestock and more and more about my own stress. I’m sorry. That’s just how it goes. I think that means I have become a real rancher. Back when I was a blissful herder boy, a few years ago, I […]

All Grazing Methods are Wrong

There are a lot of people telling ranchers how to be more eco. I think they are almost all… not quite right. Often the people who want to change ranchers lose sight of the forest for the trees. As someone who is constantly running into trees because he is staring at the forest, let me […]

Tall Grass Biodiversity Depression Forever

Its easy to tell the world how it is and not listen when it tries to correct you. Science is a method for testing our ideas about reality and a system for accumulating and sharing that information. I think I was well into my twenties before I really understood this. I am not an accredited […]

Tall Grass Biodiversity Depression Part V

Short grass is preferred by all kinds of mega-fauna, big and small. Theories without facts are at best pointless self-pleasure. At worst they can be dangerous propaganda. Theories that lack supporting data are like dry skeletons. In our little world of eco-ranching, adhering to an idea that does not have a strong foundation of evidence […]