08Facebook TwitterNo one knows the best, most efficient way to reduce greenhouse gas concentrations while still making the average person better off. How do I know? Because no one has ever done it. This includes us eco-grazers, by the way. But it especially includes the central planners that are designing the various schemes collectively called “The […]
08Facebook TwitterI want to talk about the Green New Deal. But I am going to talk about it through the lens of ditch cleaning in western Oregon agricultural land. That’s what I want to talk about but I feel like I somehow I have to give you a sense of what was happening here on the ranch […]
08Facebook TwitterLast week I described how Bud and Eunice Williams got pretty nervous when I started talking about my passion for grass management. When I asked him why, Bud simply said, “Sometimes people will bring livestock back to a pasture at just the wrong time for the grass and it really knocks it. They would have […]
10Facebook InstagramTwitterYouTubeWe were born into this world with an expectation. Natural selection gave it to us. Our world is very different than the one we expected. This distance is a canyon that gets perceptibly wider and deeper all the time. It grows by sudden big events and by tiny trickles over the millenia. This canyon is […]
I Have a Red Pill, an Antidote for that Other Red Pill You Took
10Facebook InstagramTwitterYouTubeOn the twentieth anniversary of the movie The Matrix, I might have to remind you that the movie was about a main character given a ‘red pill’ that allowed him to see the truth, that humans were controlled by a bunch of robots which created a virtual reality state that all the people lived in, […]
10Facebook InstagramTwitterYouTubeI would never tell someone what they should eat. I consider propaganda of that nature to be intrusive, condescending, and dangerous. Trying to modify someone’s diet is a pernicious form of colonialism, or an abrogation of ones liberty as a free individual. That being said I am merely going to talk about it for a […]