Savanna Blog


An Ecological Defense of Stress (and Money and Reproduction) PT 1

FacebookTwitterI traded a neighbor, an arborist, a quarter of beef for some tree work. Throwing branches on a fire is a good way to chat and we started talking about our respective businesses. He said he made a conscious decision a long time ago to limit the jobs that he took to what he could […]

Ditches and Green New Deals, Part II

08Facebook TwitterNo one knows the best, most efficient way to reduce greenhouse gas concentrations while still making the average person better off. How do I know? Because no one has ever done it. This includes us eco-grazers, by the way. But it especially includes the central planners that are designing the various schemes collectively called “The […]

On Ditches and The Green New Deal

08Facebook TwitterI want to talk about the Green New Deal. But I am going to talk about it through the lens of ditch cleaning in western Oregon agricultural land. That’s what I want to talk about but I feel like I somehow I have to give you a sense of what was happening here on the ranch […]

Help. I’m too Closely Connected to My Land.

08Facebook TwitterLast week I described how Bud and Eunice Williams got pretty nervous when I started talking about my passion for grass management. When I asked him why, Bud simply said, “Sometimes people will bring livestock back to a pasture at just the wrong time for the grass and it really knocks it. They would have […]

Ranching vs Hunting-Gathering, Part I

10Facebook InstagramTwitterYouTubeWe were born into this world with an expectation. Natural selection gave it to us. Our world is very different than the one we expected. This distance is a canyon that gets perceptibly wider and deeper all the time. It grows by sudden big events and by tiny trickles over the millenia. This canyon is […]

I Have a Red Pill, an Antidote for that Other Red Pill You Took

10Facebook InstagramTwitterYouTubeOn the twentieth anniversary of the movie The Matrix, I might have to remind you that the movie was about a main character given a ‘red pill’ that allowed him to see the truth, that humans were controlled by a bunch of robots which created a virtual reality state that all the people lived in, […]