Savanna Blog


Tall Grass Biodiversity Depression Part IV

Ideas are powerful. Wow, good blog post, Nate. Other people might have thought of that before. But most of the time when we think of the power of ideas, we think about the power of good ideas. As humans, I think it is much more important for us to think about the power of bad […]

Tall Grass Biodiversity Depression Part III

Often times when we think of biodiversity conservation… wait, let me start over. Assuming that anyone thinks of biodiversity conservation at all, they might think of a captive breeding program to save the last blue bellied mongoose. Or a last ditch effort to protect the pond that holds the last population of the speckle-toed salamander. […]

Tallgrass Biodiversity Depression Part II

The reason I am in ranching is that I want to increase the amount of life in the world and, in my small way, ranching provides the best opportunity for me to do that. So with that being the goal, I need measures of how I am doing. There are two ways that I can […]

Tall Grass Biodiversity Depression Part I

I need to practice what I preach.     This week I am going to take a deeper dive into some of the themes discussed last week, “taller vegetation” and the biodiversity depression that goes along with it. I got some pushback on Facebook around this issue and it will take a series of blog […]

Why Native Biodiversity is Good (for other people. But not for me.).

Savanna. It's official.     Last episode, I left you with a real cliff-hanger. Is the water too high? With cattle coming in twelve hours, will Nate have a wreck? Sorry to have kept you in suspense for so long but here goes with the conclusion: yes the water was very high, but the grass […]

Why Biodiversity?

You and I and every living organism on this planet possess an unbroken legacy that stretches back 3.9 Billion years. Not once during that entire period was our genetic chain broken. Never did our ancestors fail. Not once did they receive a bailout. Genes are the universe's only serious repository of survival ‘knowledge.' That is […]