Among my fellow nature geeks, lawns have received a bad wrap. That’s understandable; lawns are heavy drinkers, they have chemical dependencies, and they seem to be unproductive members of society. But, what do lawns produce?
Chisholm, N. (2017). Savanna: How Modern Problems were Born Out of Prehistoric Extinctions.
Nate’s biography has shaped his ideas and his ideas have shaped his life. Most important among those ideas are this series: That large animals (megafauna) have dramatically shaped the vegetation of this planet. That mega-fauna and the vegetation they have created, in turn shaped the human psyche. The modern world we find ourselves in, and the problems we find in it, are the result of complications in these relationships.
Over the last decade and a half, my dreamy eco-philosophy has run into the hard reality of working on ranches around the world. It was this unusual (and uncomfortable) combination that provided me with inspiration for my 2017 galley proof, Savanna: How Modern Problems were Born Out of Prehistoric Extinctions. In this book, I lay out the insights I received from close encounters with lions, ill-fated attempts to live without modern technology, and all the things I learned.